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The Savoyaires Present Iolanthe by Gilbert and Sullivan

Audition Schedule for Saturday, June 8, 2024 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Click one of the buttons below to reserve an audition time slot.
Your initials will be used to mark your time slot.
You will be asked to enter an Undo Code in case you need to cancel your reservation.

If you have scheduled an audition but need to cancel it, click the Cancel button.
You will be asked to enter the Undo Code you created when you scheduled the audition.

10:00 ***Available***
10:10 ***Available***
10:15 ***Available***
10:20 ***Available***
10:30 ***Available***
10:40 ***Available***
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11:00 ***Available***
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1:00 ***Available***
1:10 ***Available***
1:15 ***Available***
1:20 ***Available***
1:40 ***Available***
1:45 ***Available***
1:50 ***Available***
2:00 ***Available***

Report problems to auditions@savoyaires.org